Rules for the Authors

Abstracts in English in format MS Word files of no more than 1 page (A4) must have the following parameters:

  • Margins: left - 3 cm, top and bottom - 2.5 cm, right - 2 cm
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
  • Title of the report - the middle line in bold below - the names and initials of authors, names of organizations and E-mail-address.
  • Before the text should be one empty line.
  • The figures may be placed in the text.

Abstracts should be sent through the on-line registration site http://ismart.su/registration/thesis_en.php (Регистрация тезисов - форма на русском) or in exceptional cases directly to organizers INP BSU at: ismart2018@inp.bsu.by

Organizing Committee:

Institute for Nuclear Problems, Belarusian State University,

Str. Bobruiskaya, 11, 220030 , Minsk, Belarus,

Tel.+375 172 003982
Fax+375 172 265124